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Exact Synergy Enterprise   

Creating Financial Template

Menu path:


At this page, you can set up the financial templates for creating the financial entries. These templates generally refer to the bank journal, sales journal, purchase journal, and many more. The following section describes the relevant settings for the financial template after you have created the description for it. To create the description, see Creating Description for Financial Template.

Menu path

Go to Financial/Setup/General/Templates/Entry screen, and then click New.

Roles & rights

To create the financial template, function right 331- Maintain financial entry templates is required. Users with the General manager and Controller roles have this function right.

For more details on what you can do with function rights or levels, go to System/Setup/Security/Function rights, select the required module, and then click on the relevant ID. To find out the functions you can perform with a particular role, go to System/Setup/Security/Roles, type in the description, click Refresh and then click the required link under the Role column.



Click this to save the settings you have created for the financial template.


Click this to delete the created financial template.


Click this to exit.


Save as

To create another financial template by using the existing template as the base, type the description for the new template and click save as. Usually, you click Save as after you have defined the relevant criteria in the remaining section.

General section


By default, the description of the financial template is displayed.

Type / Calculate

Select one of the following to display the default type of financial entries:

  • Fiscal
  • Intercompany
  • Normal
  • Correction: Opening balance

Select the Calculate check box to activate the calculation of the debit and credit amount based on the entered item and quantity.

Note: The calculation can only be done if the Item and Quantity fields are activated in the financial template and you did not enter any debit or credit amount at the financial entries page.

Offset G/L

Select an offset general ledger account for the created financial template, if applicable. The system will automatically create the offset general ledger account for the financial entries that you create.

Create transaction line: Always

Select this check box for the cursor to automatically move to the next entry line when you have completed a financial entry.

Create transaction line: VAT

Select one of the following to determine how you want the valued-added tax to be created:

  • Manually
  • Automatically
  • Tax/Payment condition


Select Yes to allow modifications to the offset general ledger account or No to avoid the offset general ledger account from being modified when you create the financial entries.

Active and Inactive sections

At the Active section, you can add or remove the existing fields based on your preferences by selecting or clearing the relevant check boxes. This section determines the relevant fields that are active and will be displayed at the header and line level of the created financial template. You can also activate the descriptions for the relevant fields. You can arrange the order of the fields by clicking or for each field.

As for the Inactive section, you can move the inactive fields listed under this section to the Active section by selecting the relevant check boxes.

Order column

This column displays the required order of the fields that you wish to display in the financial template.

Field column

This column displays the available fields that you can add or remove for the financial template.

Label column

Type another name for the relevant field(s) if you wish to display a different label(s) for the financial template.

Header column

Select the relevant check boxes to include the fields that you want to display at the header level of the financial template.

Line column

Select the relevant check boxes to include the fields that you want to display at the line level of the financial template.

Note: This column is enabled at the Active section.

Description column

Select the relevant check boxes to include the label description of the field(s) that you want to display for the financial template.

Note: This column is enabled at the Active section.

Related document

 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 15.480.166
 Assortment:  Date: 21-09-2010
 Release:  Attachment: